
Royal Thai Embassy, Beijing




       1. 届时,前来办理领事馆事务的申请者须持有效身份证件登记办理临时出入证,并经安检后由酒店华乐路入口进入酒店,临时出入证须随身佩戴,并于业务办理完毕时归还。由于花园酒店和花园大厦将进行封闭管理不予通行,申请者可在花园大厦大堂搭乘电梯直上三楼再走楼梯下到位于酒店二楼的总领事馆。

       2. 前来咨询签证办理事项的申请者请带齐所需相片,表格及其它资料,包括原件及复印件。具体签证要求可提前通过网站www.thaiembassy.org/guangzhou或拨打语音电话020-83858988 了解相关签证申请资讯,以减少不便。

       3. 泰王国驻广州总领事馆将照常接待泰国人事务,例如办理公证,登记,护照等业务。除此之外,在此期间, 泰王国驻广州总领事馆特别开设了2010广州亚运会泰国人救援中心,以便为遭遇护照丢失,事故或其他紧急状况的泰国人提供24小时援助服务。如需援助可在工作时段 900-21:00)内拨打泰国人紧急救援热线 86 20 83849927  非工作时段(2100)可拨打86  134 1613 7673 ,或通过电邮[email protected]求助。

Services at the Royal Thai Consulate General

during the 16th Asian Games and the 10th  Asian Para Games 2010


As Guangzhou will host the 16th Asian Games during 12 -27 November 2010 and the 10th  Asian Para Games during 12 -19 December 2010, the Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee-GAGOC) has designated the Garden Hotel, where the Royal Thai Consulate-General is located, as the official Headquarter Hotel for members the Olympic Council of Asia and other high-ranking authorities from 45 Asian countries participating in the 16th Asian Games. During these periods of time, various security measures will be imposed at the Garden Hotel.

In this connection, the Royal Thai Consulate-General wishes to recommend guidelines to ensure an easy access for various services at our office as follows:   

1.    Please use rear entrance of the Garden Hotel-access through the Garden Tower-east entrance) on Hue Le Road. All clients are required to pass through security screening at the entrance-ID / passport check, visitor registration etc.) and obtain a visitor’s pass to enter hotel zone. Please take Office Tower’s elevator to the 3rd floor and take the stairs to the Royal Thai Consulate General on the 2nd floor.

2.    As the Hotel zone will be sealed from Office Tower, some facilities such as photocopy machine, public phone, business center etc. previously available for general visitors will temporarily not be accessible during the Asian Games. We therefore highly recommend our clients to check website www.thaiembassy.org/guangzhou regarding all documents required for each service. Please study all information that will guide you to be fully prepared and to get the best service from the Royal Thai Consulate General in Guangzhou.